
Monday, November 4, 2013

97 years

Today it is ninety-seven years since Thomas and the other soldiers were killed on the battlefield near Gueudecourt. In three years I will be standing at the spot - hopefully unfailing a plaque to them and sharing the moment with other families. Unfortunately their burials didn't take place for another four months.

1 comment:

  1. A fascinating record of information, and it goes quite a long way in helping me put flesh on the bones of a family history I am researching. It is not my own family, just a string of odd coincidences really. In our village churchyard there is mention of a Leonard Austin Coe on the war memorial. He was with the AIF 28th Battalion and died on November 5th, 1916. As I am Australian I decided to look him up and found that he lived in our house, here in the village of Catworth, Hunts. UK, and went to Western Australia to a town called Kojomup (which I've driven through), probably in his early twenties. The tragedy is that his father outlived his wife and all his three sons and continued living here till his death in 1932. Their story is, like so many, a very sad one indeed, so I have sort of adopted them as my own special interest and to keep their memories alive. My own family also fought in both wars but I am fortunate that most of them, including my father, returned safely.
    Thanks for your interesting research. Regards, Ruth Pryor Newton
